
15 October 2008

[flash fiction] The Taste of a Glory

“How does your victory taste?”, a local reporter ask a swimmer after he walk down from the podium, receive a gold medal at an annual swimming competition.

With a bright shining face, that mid age swimmer answers, “it feels delicious”, he laugh

“It do? Can you explain it why?”

“Well you see, we can feel sweetness after taste a bitter, we can see the light after recognizing a dark place, and we enjoy the smile after being tortured in sorrow. I’ve work hard for this competition, practice, train, push my self in rain nor dry. I had drowned in my salty sweat, and now, I can feel those sweat feels so sweet”, he laugh again, this time he laugh hard.

“So, you earn what you plant, right?”

“Yups, it can be said like that. We earn what we deserve. Enjoy the process, since it will be return to us, someday later”, he smiles in grateful.


Samarinda, October 15, 2008
-Syamsul Arifin-


  1. like proverb said "what u did is what u get" :)

  2. :) nice cerpen :topOK: (ntar ah nyari kamus dulu)

  3. @chicbee
    thanks for the word ^_^

    additional comment:

    Oh ya, this short story is for a contest that I join,
    Lets all join and cherish this contest :yihaa:
    Please visit for the detail news ^-^
    Not just for the prize, but also for the ukhuwah with muslims there, da’wah, and also to enhance our English skill O0

  4. @mozaik
    halah, nice2 doang :P
    *kritik dan saran please ^_^

    @mba naniek
    hehehe, u'll get a lot of kindness kok mba ^_^

  5. dah kubilang mau ngambil kamus dulu..

    btw.. dah sunatullah menang itu enak... kalah itu ga enak

  6. delicious? hmm..
    doesnt it taste lake nano nano? every flavour melt 2gether..xixi

  7. hoho, really, this is exactly why they called it "short story"

    simple, just because it's SHORT.

    nice writing.. ^ ^

  8. bukannya.. "it does?" ya pin?

  9. @mozaik
    menang memang enak, terutama kemenangan yang dilatarbelakangi perjuangan :)

    ow, like that toh :D
    still, i said that a victory feels sweet, when we had thru all of those tiring battle :D

    thanks for the comment ^_^

    hehehe, iya sih, klo saran dari si MS Word, memang seharusnya "It Does?", tapi kok feeling saya ngga enak pakai kata itu :D
    karena maksudnya "It do?" adalah "apakah memang benar kemenangan bisa terasa manis?"
    weleh, kok terjemahannya panjang banget yaw :D

    ok2x deh, mohon koreksinya ya klo besok2 bikin tulisan english again :D

  10. We earn what we deserve....
    I like this sentence...nice

  11. We earn what we deserve..
    I like this sentence..

  12. so what d taste? manis, asem, asin :D :D ????

    i think its sastisfied in our heart, win but not feel it,,,ga deeegh

  13. true.. cant agree more..
    and mostly what the novel meant: you cant get something so easily
