
03 February 2009

Does options and chances always available..?

Couple of days ago, I got a new work offer, a big deal. And it’s quite tempting, of course it also carry some “need to be extra carefully thought” considerations.


We don’t need to talk about the plus point of it, it sure quite a nice offer, the benefit is almost twice as what I got now; having a much bigger salary is definitely a nice present for my birthday, though I didn’t celebrate it. Imagining the remuneration, I can do a lot of stuff with it, surely the targets of my life planning probably could be accomplish with a shorter range of time.


But hey, there are always two sides in every option. I don’t care if it gonna take me to a different place of living, well, I don’t have a lot of stuff ‘need to be think of’ if I’m gonna relocate, just take it as a new adventure experience. Still, there are some issues need to think of…


I kinda bit tied up with the current working contract, it has a line that said (moreover), “I need to pay a compensation if I stop before the end of the contract”. And breaking this agreement, will probably give me a sense of untruthful person. If my “word” can not be hold, than what that comes of me which could be hold? Integrity-loyalty? Yeah, you might think that its sound too naïve. But I already wrote the answer, and hopefully it’s the right answer. Insya Allah. Lesson learned for the next work agreements: if you don’t like it, just ask to delete it!


They said that this is the chance, it shall not gonna come to you twice. Well, I said that, there might be another chance, and I sure hoping for another “better chance”, if I take this, I’ll probably gonna miss the better one… I’m sorry Pak P for all of the mess.


So long for Medan and East Aceh. If we were meant each other, we shall finally meet, somehow J


Rabbana attina fiddunya hasanah, wa fil akhirati hasanah, waqina adza bannar. Ya Allah, please grant me a victory in the world, a success, shine and blissful live, and please grant me a victory at the hereafter, a mighty blessing, for entering Your heaven (amin)


  1. "Rabbana attina fiddunya hasanah, wa fil akhirati hasanah, waqina adza bannar. Ya Allah, please grant me a victory in the world, a success, shine and blissful live, and please grant me a victory at the hereafter, a mighty blessing, for entering Your heaven (amin)"


    Good luck for everything you do.....

  2. Lia???? hehehe... "Tia" is oke!

  3. ups, salah yaw :D hehehe
    *kan beda satu huruf ajah ^_^ hihihihi

    ya deh, diulang, thanks a bunch ya mba TIA ^_^

  4. Mdh2an apapun yg km pilih itu tdk salah:-)

  5. It's a nice decision, bro. I like and appreciate the way you make consideration before making the choice.

  6. .........
    Jadilah bintang yg baik dan bermanfaat dimanapun berada.....

  7. Kak...pindah ya?hem..akan merasa kehilangan,tp tetap merasa memiliki krn Alloh.Mohon maaf atas sgala khilaf..semangat kak!! I'm gonna miss you bro..

  8. two digits? I thought you have that one right now ....

  9. Pindah lg? Wah keren pin

    *aku kok blm dimutasi ya? Hiks

  10. two digit salary? what does it mean bro :D
    two millions point something ? :D

    wish you have a brighter day bro :D

  11. amiin....

    semangat buat belajar banyak hal...
    (nyambung gak ya???)

  12. @siantiek
    amin ^_^

    thanks man :)

    semoga :)

    walah, kagak kok, masih di samarinda ajah
    halah2, lebay dech, ketemu ajah belum pernah :toe:

    hehehe, i already told you couple of time, that this is not as wow as you think ^_^ just pray the best thing for be mas ;)

    halah2, kagak kok, masih disinih ajah :D
    kamu ngapain dimutasi, udah di palembang aja, enak :)

    hehehe, thanks for the pray ry ^_^

    ok deh, semoga bisa terus belajar, berkembang dan menjadi lebih baik dari waktu kewaktu ^_^ B-) :ehm: %peace%
