04 February 2008

High Maintenance Girl

The title can be mean as “women are expensive cost to keep”. Yeah, men are not too different also, but in general, women are wasting more money than men for their daily needs.

Clothes, shoes, hand baggage, jewelry, and cosmetics are things they like. Beauty salons, shopping mall, market, are their place of interest.

I’m not trying to criticize female natural drive, I just want to make men aware that if you want a woman enter in your life (as your couple/wife), get prepared for some additional financial cost.

If we have a car or motorcycle, we have to have some budget for its maintenance, so is women. We have to prepare budget for maintaining them in our life, to give presents, to take them out for dinner sometimes, or to do anything that please them (the basic point is to make them happy).

Akhwat is also not different from any other women in this world, they could posses the same tendency too, it just maybe they can manage it, but they also can cost a lot of money too. Their long dress and jilbab can cost you more or equal from other women average cost although if they can press their cost for cosmetic, shoes, hand baggage or jewelry.

Nevertheless, that’s the risk we have to take if we want to complete our dien and have an angel in our side that accompany us in this world.

Oh what a wonderful beauty of this world jewelry
The best quality diamond and gold
That ties my heart

But they are not as beauty as a flower
A shalihah woman that this dien expect

Creating her house like a heaven
Taking care his moral as clear as an eye
In home, her scarf is qanaah (feel enough)
It’s so warm in her heart, sight are down

(sungguh indah permata dunia
intan mutu manikam emas dan berlian
yang memikat hati

namun tiada seindah bunga
wanita shalihah harapan agama

mencipta rumahnya seindah surga
menjaga akhlaknya sebening mata
qanaah selendangnya dalam rumah tangga
sejuk di kalbunya tunduk pandangnya


Just an "Iseng" post (reposting from my old thread) Peace ahhh! Peace ahhh! Peace ahhh!


  1. precisely...Ipin.
    No doubt.
    but, no woman no happy...:)

  2. aha....cewe matre yah??akhwat juga matre ga? look mine at part II (avaiable now)

  3. @callie
    makanya saya posting blogs ini :) karena pas baca postingannya, jadi inget dulu pernah nulis yang kayak gitu juga di myQ :D
    bukan matre kok, tapi cuma punya "pilihan keinginan" yang beda aja :D

    @mba mira
    hmmm... ya ya ya ya...
    have to make women happy nih mba ^-^
    *especially for "special" women surround us ^-^

  4. memang sudah kewajiban seorang suami kan menafkahkan istrinya,
    malah ada yang memanggap istri sebagai manager keuangan dalam berumah tangga,
    pastinya sebagai seorang suami juga harus membahagiakan istrinya donk.....

    Makanya kalo nyari istri harus yang pinter manage uang,,,,,%peace% %peace% %peace%

    palagi hidup di Indonesia tercinta ini sudah mahal buangat......

    <<---moga aja aku bisa pinter manage uang,

  5. women are wasting more money than men for their daily needs

    I don't think so . Man have their own way wasting money and it could be more than women.

    It's depend on the person

  6. @eusry
    your english is also great kok ^-^
    i already read yours :)

    iya, memang, kemarin juga sempat diingatin sama seseorang dari golongan kaum hawa juga :D :hihi:
    *tapi dia udah menikah lho %peace%

    semoga edwea bisa pinter manage keuangan rumah tangga nanti ^-^

    hmmmm.... ok than, thats might true ^-^
    *im just writing using "sotoy" mode
    *without any reference, research, etc, just my own taught ^-^

  7. aku sih ngarepnya kalo ada yg baca, dikoreksi kali aja ada yg salah gitu [ga yakin mode on]

  8. ngga perlu dikoreksi kok, udah bagus ^-^
