14 September 2012

Hati-Hati Cross-Posting dari MP ke BS

Saya baru ngeh, ternyata kalau kita cross-posting dari MP ke BS, file foto/gambar (kalo kita pake di postingan kita) kan teruploadnya ke server MP, jadi kalo akun MP kita dihapus (dan dihapus segala isi-isinya), berarti gambar/foto yang ada di postingan kita ga akan muncul lagi dong.., karena kan nampilin gambarnya pake kode img src yang masih tertaut ke MP (???).

Kode HTML gambar di sebuah postingan cross-posting MP to BS saya.

Kalau gitu, ubah cross-postingnya dari BS ke MP ajah.

Karena kalau baca keterangan tentang cross-posting di fasilitas help-nya MP, sepertinya sih MP akan juga mendeteksi kalau ada postingan terbaru di blogs yang kita sudah tertaut, dan akan mempostingnya juga di MP.

*semoga aja berhasil *sembari ngetes -postingan ini dibuat di BS

Berikut keterangan MP tentang cross-posting:

Can I cross-post my blog entries between Multiply and another blog site?

Yes, we offer cross-posting (posting a single blog entry to Multiply and another blog site at the same time) between Multiply and the following sites:
  1. LiveJournal
  2. Blogger
  3. TypePad
  4. Windows Live Spaces
When you enable cross-posting, Multiply can automatically detect new entries you've written on one of these sites and post them on your Multiply site as well. And when you add a new blog entry on Multiply, we'll automatically post it on your LiveJournal, Blogger, Live Spaces or TypePad site (unless you explicitly choose not to when posting the new entry). Even with cross-posting enabled, you can choose to prevent a specific entry on your other site from being cross-posted on Multiply. Just add the following code to your entry on the other site:
<!-- multiply:no_crosspost -->

You can enable cross-posting the next time you import new entries from one of these sites. Just click to post a new Blog (from the Post link near the top of any page), then select the service from which to import new entries, enter your login for that service and select Enable cross-posting. Then click OK.

If you've enabled cross-posting already, you can disable it at any time by going to My Account and selecting Posting Options.


  1. Saya belum pernah pakai tool manapun untuk memindahkan isi MP ke BS. Manual saja, dan cepat :D

    1. sepertinya memang enakan begitu ya mba.., ditunggu2 di MP ga keposting juga euy...

  2. berkunjuuung....
    Setuju sm teh katerina, sy juga manual aja...
