Alhamdulillah dapat hadiah oleh-oleh boneka Daruma dan uang 50 yen dari Ditagiri Prahasta Putra ( yang pulang dari Jepang ^_^ hehehe
Ditagiri adalah salah satu teman cyber, kenal dari forum, salah satu forum komunitas yang isinya adalah bloggers. Lumayan seru disana, karena pastinya pada suka nulis. Dan emang sudah banyak blogfamous (sebutan untuk user-user blogfam) yang udah punya buku, buku-buku keroyokan user-user blogfam juga dah sering saya liat mejeng di tobuk Gramedia. Makanya tertarik gabung juga, walaupun rada-rada sepi sih forumnya:D hehehe
Beberapa waktu sebelum dia berangkat, dia buat kontes yang mau oleh-oleh di blogsnya, suruh ngasih koment dan kasih alasan kenapa pengen oleh-oleh tersebut dari dia. Dan ada dua pemenang, ifonly345 ( dan ipin4u (
Begini koment saya di blogs-nya Giri,
minta oleh2 bunga sakura ajah deh ^_^
*udah musimnya belum ya :D hehehe
alasannya adalah karena yang khas dari jepang ya bunga sakura ituh, klo mau minta mobil honda, kayaknya ga bakalan dikasih :D makannya minta yang ituh ajah deh ^_^ hehehehe
semoga perjalanannya aman dan menyenangkan ya di jepang sanah ^_^
Kalo baca info tentang boneka Daruma di wikipedia (, begini ditulis penjelasannya,
Daruma dolls (達磨, daruma?), also known as dharma dolls, are hollow and round Japanese wish dolls with no arms or legs, modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder and first patriarch of Zen.[1] Typical colors are red (most common), yellow, green, and white. The doll has a face with a mustache and beard, but its eyes only contain the color white. Using black ink, one fills in a single circular eye while thinking of a wish. Should the wish later come true, the second eye is filled in. It is traditional to fill in the right eye first; the left eye is left blank until the wish is fulfilled.
Many of the Daruma dolls are male but there is a female daruma doll. It is called hime daruma or "princess daruma."
Because of their low centers of gravity, some types of daruma doll are roly-poly toys: they return to the upright position after being tilted to one side. As such, the daruma has become symbolic for optimism, persistence, and strong determination. The dolls are based on an older kind of self-righting doll known as a "little roly-poly priest" (起き上がり小法師, okiagari koboshi?). A 17th-century children's song describes the self-righting daruma dolls of the time as being much like their modern equivalents:
Hi ni! fu ni!
Fundan Daruma ga
Akai zukin kaburi sunmaita!
Once! twice!
Ever the red-hooded Daruma
Heedlessly sits up again!
Some dolls have written characters on the cheeks explaining the kind of wish or desire the owner has in mind, such as protection of loved ones. The surname of the owner may be written on the chin. Until the wish has been granted, the daruma is displayed in a high location in one's home, typically close to other significant belongings such as a Butsudan (a Buddhist house altar). It is normal to own only a single daruma at a time.
Daruma dolls are typically purchased in or near Japanese Buddhist temples and can range in price from 500 yen for small dolls (~5cm in height) to 10,000 yen or more for the largest dolls (~60cm in height). If the daruma doll was purchased within a temple, the owner can return it for burning. Dolls purchased at a temple are often marked; most temples will refuse to burn dolls not exhibiting the temple's mark. Burning usually occurs at the year's end. This is done as a purification ritual to let kami know that the wisher did not give up on the wish, but is on another path to make it come true. One example of burning daruma dolls in the Daruma Memorial Service at Dairyū-ji in
Ya, mungkin terdengar kebanyakan
Terima kasih banyak Ditagiri atas oleh-olehnya dan atas pesan motivasinya ;)
Syamsul "ipin4u" Arifin
tadinya mau nanya itu benda apaan dipajang-pajang di ym :-D
ReplyDeleteterjawablah sudah...
syerem juga, daruma cewe rupanya gimana ya?
pernah punya juga nih, lucu keq bobo doll.
ReplyDeletedaruma itu ejaan jepang untuk kata dharma.
kayak celengan ya *gubraks hehe..
ReplyDeletekapan ya yg punya blog memberi hadiah serupa untuk teman2nya *ngarep mode on
kya,, jadi inget dorama honey and clover,,,,
ReplyDeletejadi mau juga niy darumanya,,, yg belum di lukis,, hehehe
wah, enak ya ada oleh-oleh dri jepang, jdi pengen ke sana liat sakura dan salju.:)
ReplyDeletemukanya kok serem ya pin >_